o mundo gira.

Bem vindos, beinvenue, welcome, ao mundo de Léa que sonha e tenta realizar, pois vida é feita de sonhos e sonhos precisam de vida, sonhemos todos, Luz de Deus.

quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2012

By Paris Breakfast.

Mini Paris Monuments

 Paris has more monuments than any city on the planet...
 I was looking again at the Paris bus guide (75+ buses included) and one spread (Bus 42) could keep you busy for two weeks hitting all the high points...
 Not all Paris monuments have to be monumental don't you think?
 Like the Wallace fountains spotted around Paris...
 I love those presse kiosks and the ad columns 'Colonne Morris' (merci marie et Veronique!).
 The Metro signs are another favorite mini monument...
 What about the French beret or street signs..?
 Dejeuner in Paris is a well-loved mini monument...
 The ardoise/blackboard is another fav...
 Can a Paris mini monument be living, breathing?
Pourquoi pas?
 Isn't a demonstration a Paris monument not so mini?
 Or the ubiquitous macaron?
 French parfum is a mini monument you can easily bring home...
Most Paris monumental monuments can come home with you on a mug bien sur!
What's your favorite Paris mini monument?

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