The Metropolitan's American Wing
Oliver Tarbel Eddy 1839
Yesterday I went to see the Met's preview of the newly renovated American Wing.
John Singleton Copley "Mary Sherburne' 1763
Sixteen magnificent rooms opens permanently to the public January 16. I found myself drawn to the animals in the exhibits, especially pets...
Of course the focus of the exhibit is the newly refurbished 'Washington Crossing The Delaware' in the main hall - more here.
Ammi Phillips 1834
I painted so many of your huggable pets this past December, I could be hankering to hug a pet of my own...ahem
Thomas Eakins wife and setter 1884
I didn't know painter Thomas Eakins had an Irish setter...
Van Rensselaer Hall Mural 1765-69
A man walking his dog or out hunting..?
Van Rensselaer Hall Mural 1765-69
In this very grand muraled room...
Joshua Johnson detail 1805
I'd settle for a red cardinal...
This giant eagle might not be so petable...
Nor Remington's 'Broncho Buster'...
A pet squirrel as long as it's not from Union Square Park...
Minister/painter Edward Hicks 'Peaceable Kingdom' 1830 (62 versions exist) shows a young maid hugging a lioness...who knew?
A tethered fox in Fur Traders Descending the Missouri by George Bingham is probably not the best pet...
I would have to forgo a pet shark unless it was in 'The Gulf Stream' by Winslow Homer firmly secured to the wall...
Tintin's 'Snowy' looks huggable at Ellie Zabar's Kids store a few blocks away...
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