o mundo gira.

Bem vindos, beinvenue, welcome, ao mundo de Léa que sonha e tenta realizar, pois vida é feita de sonhos e sonhos precisam de vida, sonhemos todos, Luz de Deus.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

By Paris Breakfast.Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh que marravilhaa

How do we know this woman is French?

Baguette - check

Scooter - check

Alice in wonderland long hair - check
+ Scarf bien sur...

The French start taking tests from day one.
Their whole lives are focused on taking their bac for college, so really it's no surprise you must take a test at Salon du Chocolat before tasting? Your skills of discernment will always be tested and sharpened if you are French.

We know this chef is French because his arms are folded across his chest.True at times a French chef may stand with his hands on his hips. And on occasion with his hands behind his back. These are the 3 positions to look for when identifying a French chef.
No matter that the British probably created the 'Bed Head' several years ago. The French have embraced this sexy hair style whole-heartedly. You will pay good $$ to achieve this look... 

I've mentioned before the French love a good silhouette. The straight-legged French Walk as well is illustrated on this tiny expresso cup... 

Oh why is it when we name a street after bread it doesn't sound as romantic..? 

The French can scribble a few words on a black board/ardoise in the street and get you drooling... 

I love that the prices of French pastry are always clearly marked. 

Maybe it's the law. There is none of the unspoken snobbery of the US, where 'if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it'. Prices are front row and center in France. 

Yet you can go into a French shop, admire the items in the window/vitrine and find out they are not for sale nor does thevendeuse have a clue how you could buy them!? 

How do I know this dog is French? You can tell from his look of discernment bien sur. His j'e ne sait quoi... 

Well this is a give-away.

These are my stereotypes and I'm sticking with them.

C'est comme ca..

Bon Weekend PBers!

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