led me to think,
'I can make these myself!'
After a bit of internet research I clobbered together a makeshift recipe, using Pascale Weeks, who referenced LA Times Peter Reinhart + NYTimes Tiny Kitchen (there's a video here) for Spelt seeded crackers.
No one else seems to toast (just for 5-8 minutes) the seeds (sunflower, sesame, flax, oatmeal) but you get a richer, nuttier cracker if you do. I combined about 1/2 cup of the toasted seeds with a 1/2 cup of the spelt flour in the blender.
Plus no one else seems to add the seeds directly to the flour. Nevermind. I wanted seeds inside as well as on top of the crackers.
I'm not showing you how I dissolved 1/4 teaspoon of salt into a 1/2 cup of water by the way. Then dump your seeded flour mixture into the water and play (kneed into a kind of messy ball for about half a minute). If you ever made paste from flour and water as a kid you can do this.
Finally my fancy 'macaron' trays are coming in handy. Use the BACK side of the tray to roll out your ball of dough. Don't forget to throw lots of flour on the tray and your rolling pin!
All recipes say to poke holes in the rolled out dough. I forgot with the first batch and it didn't seem to make any difference...
I used milk to spray on top of the crackers for so-called sheen and to get the seeds to stick but you could use water. I also 'rolled' on top of the seeds - they seemed to want to wander (many did). Cut into squares and into your 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.

Was this dead easy? YES!
Don't forget to turn the tray after 10 minutes.
A comparative analysis of the Carrefour Bio crackers (1.78 euros) and my creations based on looks alone tells me I need practice. But the taste was close considering I didn't use malt extract or leavening.

I didn't use any sugar or fat some recipes call for and they taste fine. If you're in France it may be less messy to go toCarrefour or Naturalia.
Can you wear a macaron apron while baking these crackers? Mais oui. Will you mess it up with flour? Again mais oui.
Does Bear give his 'Seal of Approval' on this baking venture?

He does bien sur.
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