o mundo gira.

Bem vindos, beinvenue, welcome, ao mundo de Léa que sonha e tenta realizar, pois vida é feita de sonhos e sonhos precisam de vida, sonhemos todos, Luz de Deus.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

By Garance Doré- New York- homenagem a Miss Roitfeld

If you’re like me, you’ve heard a lot of talk about Carine Roitfeld and her book these past few months… But really, you had no idea what it looked like! I finally just got my hands on a copy (see what I mean when I say I’m a little late on everything these days?!!) and I think it’s so great.
It’s big and soft, the layout is simple and beautiful and the way the text works with the pictures makes it a great read.
Here are a few images of my favorite pages. If you’d like, you can try to spot among them 

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