Eclair-A-Day Diet
Steph wrote me this morning and inspired today's post,
"chocolate eclair over cake ANY fact, I did so much walking in Paris a couple years ago, I made it a point to eat an eclair a day - I would walk it off anyway :)
Does it get any better?
True you will have to walk if off in Paris. Also true you willhave to hit all the best patisseries for this diet to be effective, starting here with Sadaharu Aoki and his matchatea eclair.

Two equal one eclair.
For the eclair-obsessed, this is the place for you!
The most inventive eclairs on the planet are at Fauchon, so if you want some variety in your eclair regime Fauchon is the place to go.
The pictures tell the story...
Better than I can...
Get online PBers and order that eclair.
Part of the deal - wear your eclair-ballerinas.I haven't figured out yet if you're allowed to eat anything else besides eclairs on this diet. I'm working on it. As soon as I get packed and on the plane and and and...

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