o mundo gira.
Bem vindos, beinvenue, welcome, ao mundo de Léa que sonha e tenta realizar, pois vida é feita de sonhos e sonhos precisam de vida, sonhemos todos, Luz de Deus.
sábado, 30 de junho de 2012
By My Little Paris.
Paris à vos pieds
En plein coeur de l'agitation Bellevilloise. Une terrasse de café inondée de soleil surplombant les jardins de Belleville. Un havre de paix. A ses pieds, Paris vibre et frémit comme une mer agitée. Cela ressemble à l'une de ces journées à la mer. Où l'on reste planté là à contempler l'horizon jusqu'au coucher du soleil. Bienvenu au bar à vue de l' O'Paris.
12h.Les portes s'ouvrent. On commence par un petit café en lisant le journal. Puis on ferme les yeux, bercé par les rayons du soleil. Tiens déjà 13h. Et si on déjeunait ? On enchaine sur une expo dans le café qui présente des planches de BD cocasses sur mai 68. Epuisant ! On siroterait bien un Perrier citron en bouquinant les BD du café. 18h ? Il faut honorer l'apéro...
Devant le soleil rougeoyant qui se couche sur la ville, on se dit que décidément, Paris n'a pas fini de nous émerveiller.
On y retournera, à Belleville-en-mer...
Le O'Paris
1 rue des Envierges
75020 Paris
Métro Pyrénées
Devant le soleil rougeoyant qui se couche sur la ville, on se dit que décidément, Paris n'a pas fini de nous émerveiller.
On y retournera, à Belleville-en-mer...
Le O'Paris
1 rue des Envierges
75020 Paris
Métro Pyrénées
By Conexao paris -Bar a jeans no Printemps
Há pouco mais de um mês, a loja de departamentos Printemps inaugurou no 4° andar o seu‘Denim Bar’, espaço totalmente consagrado ao jeans que oferece, além de inúmeras marcas, vendedores especializados no assunto e uma infra-estrutura preparada para facilitar a vida do consumidor.
O local concentra em um mesmo espaço as melhores marcas de jeans da atualidade. Desde as mais conhecidas como Levi’s e Diesel até as mais cults como as marcas suecas ACNE e Cheap Monday (a minha preferida) passando por Rag & Bone, Replay, Notify, 7 For All Mankind,Current/Elliott, J Brand, etc… Tem jeans para todos os gostos e bolsos.
A decoração é leve e minimalista, foram usados os mesmos azulejos brancos das estações de metrô o que dá ao ambiente um pouco do ar parisiense e ao mesmo tempo urbano associado ao jeans. Os provadores, amplos e iluminados por luz natural, abrem para um hall reservado o que deixa os clientes mais à vontade.
Até o dia 4 de julho está funcionando no local o Café Diesel.
64 boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris.
By Paris Breakfasts. bon weekend!
Heading off to places no one much goes to in Paris can be a trip.
The Butte aux Cailles in the 13th arrondissement is one of those places. More a hidden village than a touristic haunt, it's a step back in time like Woody's Midnight In Paris.
The buildings are small. The architecture idiosyncratic. The cobblestone streets narrow and quirky.
Paris doesn't get more villagey than this. I'm a fan of the 13th's big chlorine-free pool.
Otherwise I might have missed this adventure to the hinterlands.
After a swim nothing is bettter than a light lunch at L'Oisive The 5 minutes away.
The food is delicious.
Ex-pat owner Aimee (lurking behind her home-made cakes) started this cafe on her own and it's a delight.
Walls of yellow tea canisters are the perfect decor.
A wall full of colorful yarns is for the kniters who frequent L'Oisive The.
While parents knit and chat, les enfants play quietly on the floor and crayon. The atmosphere could not be more homey and friendly.
Parisian Ines de la Fressange has chosen the Butte aux Cailles to stroll around this month, offering much insider info on charming shops I missed. Take a look and consider.
I just down-loaded this little book, Forever Paris:25 Walks in the Footsteps of Chanel, Hemingway, Picasso and More.
The 'more' includes:
Edith Piaf, Charles de Gaulle, Josephine Baker, Auguste Rodin,Cartier-Bresson, George Sand, Napoleon, Balzac, Simone de Beauvoir, Victor Hugo, Marie Antoinette (with spin out at Versailles),YSL, Henry Miller and Audrey Hepburn(she loved Angelina).
And our fabulous Julia Child (rue Cler was her shopping street)!
Could you ask for anything more?
It's a mostly black and white book so perfect for your Kindle to have handy as you promenade around Paree.
It's a mostly black and white book so perfect for your Kindle to have handy as you promenade around Paree.
Get out and walk this weekend.
Pourquoi pas?
Pourquoi pas?
Bon Weekend!
sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012
By LéaParis. CHANEL
Chance (Chanel 2002) = Floral Fresco
Como já mencionei em outras postagens sobre perfumes, quero lembrar novamente que todo perfume tem óleo essencial.
Por isso gostamos de usar às vezes um, outras vezes outro ou ainda insistimos em ficar com o mesmo.
Super interessante procurar saber quais são os óleos essenciais que compõe o perfume e com isso trabalhar um pouco mais sobre o autoconhecimento.
Vou falar hoje do perfume CHANCE, da CHANEL...
CHANEL criou CHANCE em 2002, o floral inesperado e fresco, que torna as mulheres terrivelmente sedutoras...
CHANCE impõe-se com energia, criatividade e audácia não renegando os valores-chave do luxo, da feminilidade e da sedução.
Com CHANCE, CHANEL dirige-se a uma mulher confiante, cheia de personalidade e que sabe lidar com suas fraquezas por agarrar as oportunidades.
É independente e feminina, sempre com um toque sofisticado...
É uma mulher fiel aos valores CHANEL.
CHANCE distingue-se por uma composição olfativa inédita:
Um acorde secreto criado especialmente por CHANEL.
Atua como um revelador e permite uma percepção diferente de odores familiares que não conseguimos distinguir individualmente.
Desta fusão de odores nasce o caráter único da fragrância.
Um perfume em constante metamorfose, diferente a cada instante.
Dentro da família de florais frescos, Chance tem saída cítrica e corpo florado, doado pelo toque adocicado suave de jasmim e jacinto.
É uma criação sedutora, que cresce com toques especiais e ambarados, harmonicamente combinados aos tons de patchouli, cedro e sutis acordes de baunilha.
Chance, se baseia na citação de Coco Chanel,
"I had a chance and I took it".
"I had a chance and I took it".
By Paris Breakfasts.
When Wanderers Cease to Roam
I nabbed this cat (one of nine) off Vivian Swift's blog, because it's near 90 degrees here in New York and I'd like to be padding through the snow rather than hugging the AC..
And I wanted to share with you Vivian's first book,
In Vivian's own words:
It took me a long time — 52 years — to finally get down to doing the work that I think I was meant to do (this illustrated autobiography thing that I do to communicate my peculiar joie de vivre) and I thank my lucky stars that I finally figured it out. Yes, I wish I’d figured it out sooner, and not wasted so much time doing work I so dearly loathed, but you know how the fate thing works: In Its Own Sweet Time.
Swift has led an interesting, nomadic life. After living in 23 different places in 20 years, she decided to stay put in a small village on Long Island Sound. Her first book is a staying-put journal/sketchbook of ovservations in her vicinity and from memories. Wanderers is organized in a 12-month seasonal format.
Vivian is particular focused on weather and has attempted to paint and describe it in all it's ramifications like this snow flake 'chart'.
This is a sampler of snow.
This is what I did when I had to paint some snow pictures for my December chapter, and I had no real idea how to paint snow. I did what a good embroiderer does, when she has to learn a new stitch. I made a sampler.
Or this March chart on dirt and mud.
When Vivian visited last week, she looked around my studio walls and suggested I paint pages of cups,
'Put a cup here and another cup there on the page!' she intoned.
You will never want for teacups in the Wanderers travel journal. March is the Tea time month by the way. Who knew?
There are pages on Vivian's many jaunts around the world as well as her home base. I have yet to visit Ireland I'm embarrassed to say...
Here Vivian explains about laying out her embroidered illustrations. An orderly person tries to influence a disorderly person...
There are many cats (and birds) in Swift's book. No dogs to speak of...
There are loads of travel tips both whimsical and practical in Where Wanderers Roam . I'm packing them into my head so this upcoming trip departure will be less traumatic hopefully...
A tremendously fun book even if you prefer to do your traveling in an armchair. Amazon has marked it down ridiculously in my opinion so do take a look.
Have you too been listening to the homages for darling Nora Ephron, who we lost on Tuesday way to soon. For me she epidomized everything good about New York - witty, sharp, incisive, positive, open-hearted.
I love this quote of hers:
I love this quote of hers:
They write books about success through failure and the power of failure. Failure, they say, is a growth experience. You learn from failure. I wish that were true. It seems to me that the main thing you learn from a failure is that it's entirely possible you will have another failure."
That's not to say one should just give up when things don't work out.
"My religion is 'Get over it,'" says Ephron. "And I was raised in that religion. That was the religion of my home — my mother saying, 'Everything is copy; everything is material; someday you will think this is funny.' My parents never said, 'Oh you poor thing.' It was work through it, get to the other side, turn it into something. And it worked with me."
We will miss you Nora.
My Essentials / Viviana
Et voici les essentiels de Viviana !!!
Ce que j’aime chez elle, c’est qu’elle est dingue de créateurs italiens.
Bien sûr qu’il y a Prada, Dolce et Pucci, mais ses tenues les plus dingues viennent de petites marques italiennes que je ne connais même pas et je n’ai qu’une envie, c’est qu’elle m’emmène avec elle pour me les faire découvrir.
Bien sûr qu’il y a Prada, Dolce et Pucci, mais ses tenues les plus dingues viennent de petites marques italiennes que je ne connais même pas et je n’ai qu’une envie, c’est qu’elle m’emmène avec elle pour me les faire découvrir.
J’adore l’univers de la boutique Astier de Villatte, rue St Honoré à Paris. À chaque fois que je passe devant, je m’arrête, je rentre, je sens leurs dernières bougies…
Tout ensemble, c’est presque un peu trop théâtral, mais par touches, il y a des trucs que je verrais bien chez moi. Par exemple, j’aime bien la théière un peu bizarre de la sixième photo. Vous en pensez quoi ?
PS : Ça s’appelle comment ce type d’imprimé, d’ailleurs ? Je crois que j’adore…
By Like a tiara.......
Youupii, j'ai un pull Marilyn! Au top de l'été!! J'ai toujours été fan de ce pull, puis il y a eu une série dans un vieux Vogue qui m'a vachement tenté... puis je l'ai trouvé par hasard dans le stock Gérard Darel, (bien moins cher qu'en boutique, donc), et dans cette couleur que j'adore. Le moment était arrivé! Et sinon, cette allure de vieille bourge du 16ème, ça vous parle?
Ha uns dois anos (talvez até mais, eu perco as contas) a marca Gérard Darel lançou uma reedição du suéter preferido Marilyn Monroe, batizado simplemente "Marilyn". Sucesso imediato! Desde então o Marilyn virou um classico da marca, reeditado em todas as estações. Ha muito tempo paquerava um pra mim, e amei a cor desse. Que tal?
H&M, Pull Gérard Darel, Trench Ellus, Ballerines Repetto, Sac vintage
By My Little Paris....
Pédicure sur une terrasse perchée
29 juin 2012
29 juin 2012
Vite, vite ! Maintenant que le soleil est revenu, il va falloir se mettre sérieusement à l'été. Pour rattraper le temps perdu, on vous a préparé un mix de petits plaisirs de vacances : pédicure + cocktail + terrasse. Rameutez vos petons en haut de la butte pour une pédicure sur la plus belle terrasse de Paris. A partir d'aujourd'hui et jusqu'au 12 juillet, vos pieds pourront prendre rendez-vous sur le toit du Terrass Hôtel pour un chouchoutage et une mise en beauté d'été. Au programme : un petit rafraichissement à la brume d'eau de rose, un massage chinois et un modelage avec une crème nourrissante qui les rendra doux comme de la soie. Pour finir, une touche de vernis aux couleurs de l'été. Et vous, pendant ce temps là, vous buvez un cocktail detox, les yeux dans les yeux avec la plus belle ville du monde. Ça promet. Pédicure au Terrass Hôtel en partenariat avec Sénev, la petite marque qui chouchoute vos pieds. 30 min, 30€ par personne pour modelage + pose de vernis + boisson A deux, c'est mieux : invitez votre meilleure copine 12-14 rue Joseph de Maistre , 75 018 Paris du vendredi 29 juin au jeudi 12 juillet, de 11h à 17h Réservation obligatoire au 01 41 10 26 18 ou à l'adressebarapieds@senev.fr |
bY Bonjour Paris- Eat Petite....
Eat Petite in France
By Debbi K. KickhamHere are some tips I'd like to share with BonjourParis readers:
Pack your own Splenda or Stevia. Though you can sometimes get a no-calorie sweetener at some cafes and restaurants, it’s smart to stash your own in your bag, for your café au lait and tea. This way, you won’t have to worry about packing on excess sugar pounds. While you’re at it, order a Citron Presse – “sans sucre” – and you can enjoy your French lemonade without extra sugar. Citron Presse, a mixture of fresh-squeezed lemon juice and water, is a mainstay of all French cafes.
Make a new friend: Monoprix. J’adore Monoprix! At this wonderful French version of Target, you can find all kinds of goodies, from clothes, to accessories, to cosmetics, to food. If you want a healthy lunch, pack your own picnic: some Sveltesse nonfat yogurt, and some fresh French bread and a small amount of cheese, along with some fruit. You’ll ensure that your Chanel still fits.
Eat the perfect trio: fish, salad and vegetables. I’ve always watched my weight – that’s how I have remained a size 4 at age 56. But I’ve never met a good meal I didn’t like! I’ll never forget one of the best French meals I’ve ever had, at a small café in Nice. I had a simple piece of roasted salmon, topped with a small amount of olive oil, ratatouille, and a salad. Voila! I was satisfied faster than you can say, “svelte.”
Have one treat per week. You won’t stay trim if you start eating Nutella crepes made by street vendors, every day. But once a week? Bien sur! In fact, I find that having one special treat per week gives me a lot to look forward to, and I never feel guilty. So go ahead – visit the best chocolate shop in town, have that Berthillon ice cream – considered the best in Paris -- or a great glass of wine – you deserve it. Remember, one or two servings won’t devastate your diet, and you’ll actually savor each bite even more. If you must have Laduree macaronsfor dessert, make a smart swap and forego the French bread with dinner in favor of your splurge. And always have a small treat on the very last day of your trip, so you can relish the experience as you head home.
Who knows? If you follow these tips, you might even lose weight – giving you all the more incentive to go clothes shopping atGaleries Lafayette.
1. photo by TristanL (Own work) [CC BY-ND 2.0], via Flickr
2. photo by Jennifer Woodard Maderazo (Own work) [ CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
3. photo by Saaleha Bamjee (Own work) [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
2. photo by Jennifer Woodard Maderazo (Own work) [ CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
3. photo by Saaleha Bamjee (Own work) [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012
By Paris Breakfasts uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Rose Petals and Saffron
Last week I took a Persian cooking class with Louisa Shafia of Lucid Food, my niece. Rose petals were on the menu.
My 1st encounter with rose petals was at Au Nom de la Rose. I went whole hog buying up the shop - they're so pretty to paint. But eating them wasn't on my menu.
Rose petals were a savoury condiment in the class. Louisa said the tiny rose buds are in fact more flavorful.
Did I say Louisa has a new cookbook coming out next spring on Persian food?
Did I say Louisa has a new cookbook coming out next spring on Persian food?
After class I searched for my bottle of Fauchon rose buds. They come from Iran!
More exotic class ingredients - sumac, pomegranate syrup, Basmati rice, Fava beans, rose petals, dried spearmint (more flavorful than fresh believe it or not when you rub it between your hands).
Ingredients to make Persian eggplant-tomato stew - Bademjan.
Bademjan in process. I was ready to stop there and wolf it down - the aromas are sensational!
Louisa can peel a Fava bean blindfolded with one hand tied behind her back.
Or slice up a slew of leeks with the best of them.
Making Persian Basmati rice dish Tadig is no piece of cake, but it came out perfectly with Louisa's hand at the wheel.
The fruits of our labors - a rhubarb spritzer on the left and Shirazi saladin the center - the best summer salad on the planet IMHO.
Photo by Louisa Shafia
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