Les Meilleures Tartes aux Fraises de Paris!
The French have always been mad for theirfraises/strawberries.
Really it's no wonder Gerard Mulot won hands down thismonth's Le Figaro contest for the BEST Strawberry tarte in all of Paris.
Who does not want to be in this taste testers shoes?
Are you drooling yet?
I can't remember all the species they have (fraise de bois, gariguette, charlotte, mara des bois, ciflorette, etc.), but try to buy a box from Espana at Monoprix and you'll get a slap. Buy local bien sur!

Are you drooling yet?
There is NOTHING in my fridge that even hints of strawberries.
I cannot even claim to have tasted Mulot's winning tartelettethough I have taken a gazillion photos both inside hispatisserie and outside.
I can claim to having eaten these horrors -faux fraise tagada, marshmellowy affairs - not really something you want to shout out about, ahem
Well here's the list of winners in order.
Guess who will be using this as her guide next trip to Paris?
At least I photographed runner-up Carette's tarte - another non-accomplishment.
Meanwhile Little Bear is running his own tasting contest, if he could only decide which fourchette to use! Do pop into Le Figaro. Drive youself nuts watching the video. Then run out and find something FRAISE for Gawd's sakes. That's what I'm going to do NOW!

Guess who will be using this as her guide next trip to Paris?

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