o mundo gira.

Bem vindos, beinvenue, welcome, ao mundo de Léa que sonha e tenta realizar, pois vida é feita de sonhos e sonhos precisam de vida, sonhemos todos, Luz de Deus.

segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

By Garance Doré- espie no blog dela.


I met Doris in Garrison, the same day I went to visit Nic and J.B. She came to the door (she’s their neighbor) dressed exactly as she is in the photo with a big smile across her face. She asked us if we wanted some coffee and offered us a tour of her impeccably decorated house.
She’s just so fascinating… Doris has worked in New York in fashion, magazines, and design. She had such a passionate professional life. And then one day, when it was time to turn over a new leaf, she moved to Garrison.
Since she’s so irresistible, I had to ask her a few questions…

By Like a tiara- Au revoir.

The End

Et voilà, finies les vacances, bientôt fini l'été... et comme tout a donc une fin, je me suis dit que le temps était venu pour ce blog, aussi, de s'arrêter. Vous l'aviez compris, mes posts se faisaient de plus en plus rares... Un manque de temps, certes, mais aussi une certaine lassitude, il faut avouer. Des années à afficher des tenues, c'est dingue quand j'y pense! Au départ, je ne pensais pas du tout que cela durerait aussi longtemps. Puis j'y ai pris goût, je me suis tellement amusée, à faire les photos, à écrire, à lire vos commentaires. Merci encore! Merci pour tant de gentillesse et sympathie à mon égard, j'ai été tellement flatée... cela va me manquer hehe :) Mais voilà, aujourd'hui je sens que j'ai fait le tour et je n'ai plus grand chose à dire (Je suis à court de tenues!!) En tout cas pas de cette manière. Je crois que j'ai envie de commencer autre chose, une autre idée. Bientôt, peut-être. Il va de soi que je mettrai tous les liens et infos ici, bien sûûr!!!

En attendant, voici quelques uns me des derniers clichés de l'été - très parisien tout de même (et pas du tout fashion), mais pas si mal :). J'espère que vous aussi, vous en avez bien profité!!

Gros bisous à tous!!

Por aqui o clima é de fim de festa: fim de férias, fim do verão... e como tudo tem um fim, acho que esse blog, também, ja deu o que tinha que dar. Deu pra perceber que ja faz um tempo que meus posts estavam cada vez mais espaçados... acho que depois de tanto tempo, era inevitavel. Afinal de contas sao mais de dois anos publicando quase tudo que eu visto - haja looks!!! Nunca pensei que essa brincadeia fosse durar tanto, mas se no começo morria de vergonha, aos poucos acabei me acostumando e me divertindo muito, com as fotos, os posts, os comentarios. Ahhh os comentarios! Muito obrigada a todos pela gentileza, simpatia, efim, vou sentir muita falta dos elogios! hehe:) Mas hoje acho que ja não tenho mais muita coisa a acrescentar, pelo menos não dessa maneira. Acho que gostaria de fazer algo diferente. Quem sabe? Em todo caso, caso isso aconteça, é logico que não deixarei de colocar todos os detalhes aqui!

Enquanto isso, aqui estão as ultimas fotos do verão. Relaxado e preguiçoso... nem um pouco fashionista!


Bissous et à bientôt!

BY Paris breakfasts.....

Blob Sketchbook

 An old friend kindly lent me back some sketchbooks I'd given him a while back when I was clearing out a closet a few summers back.

 I was surprised

 By these

 I thought I'd give you a look...

 Basically you throw down washes (wet color on wet paper).
Then once the washes are dry, drawing on top with with a brush.

 The underwash colors should be pale

 For contrast.

 Sometimes I like to draw with a loaded brush, especially figures.

 Sometimes the layering is just abstract blobs.

 Layered blobs on top of blobs.

 With a bit of spatter

 I wish this was 5' by 7' not 5 1/2" by 7 1/2".
Always put your warm colors down 1st and cool colors on top. Not the other way around. To quote David Dewey's The Watercolor Book:
Applying cool over warm gives more luminous results, while applying warm over cool produces darker, more opaque effects.

Some quotes pasted in the back on my old sketchbook from I don't know where. Are you inspired to paint blobs this weekend? I am.

By Paris Breakfasts.

Vivian Swift's Atelier

 Author Vivian Swift is clearly an expert embroiderer. Some might be inclined to conclude that Vivian is also an expert at embroidery in the figuritive sense as well.

 I visited Vivian last Friday to check out her claim of owning NINE cats(!)

 If you look at Vivian's books, Le Road Trip and When Wanderers Cease to Roam, you'll see many cats strewn about liberally.

 I decided to take a count. Here is cat#2.


 Vivian claims there is a cat lurking in her closet.
Do you see it? I do not, ahem.

 This is Vivian's studio or  atelier where her books are created. This is for real.

 Vivian's inspiration board. Tres vrai.

 And the butterflies in Le Road Trip on page 163. Definitely for real.

 Why Vivian has seen fit to hang on to samples of French dirt illustrated in Le Road Trip, I did not inquire, not wanting to seem too nosy. Perhaps they have sentimental value?

 Sketches for her newest book in the works on gardens. (I hope I'm not giving away trade secrets here).

 More embroidery samples on the studio wall.

 In case you think I'm making up or embroidering this story that I visited Vivian, here she is showing me her forbidden collection of New York birdsong feathers (all sent to her by her readers of course!). Et voila!

Another page from Le Road Trip: A Traveler's Journal of Love and France. I did not see any Morris Columns in Vivian's atelier. Not even a miniature. If you've read Vivian's books because of previous posts at PB by all means do leave her a glowing review. Perhaps you might be a lucky recipient of one of those so-called NINE cats. If Gawd forbid you haven't read any of Vivian's books get on the stick and do so. Honestly it really doesn't matter how many cats she says she has, the woman can tell a very good story and will have you laughing endlessly as well as becoming informed on France in ways that make excellent conversation at a dinner party like the truth about Johnny Halladay etc.
Just do it!

sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2012