Chef Marthe along with knowing where to go to get whatever, kindly introduced me to excellent pastry chef Clair Damon of des GATEAUX et du PAIN and asked if I could come back and shoot the interior - a rare opp to be sure.
des GATEAUX et du PAIN is a patisserie of the 'bijouterie' variety, designed by Yan Pennor, who designed Pierre Herme's shops. It has the look of a luxe Parisian jewelry shop with sparkling cases and perfect lighting.
Do not be intimidated by its sober elegance.
And not to be missed.
Chef Damon's perfect chausson aux pommes won top prize chaussonin Paris in Le Figaro's tasting. This chausson has a pâte feuilletée caramélisée shown here is filled with lemon cream inside. I know. I ate it.
Everything is golden.
Temptation beyond.
The breads are bio, crusty, rich in texture and flavor.
Not to be forgotten, in the back of the patisserie another show awaits.
Desserts sizes both individual
And for your soiree.
And unusual Mont Blanc cassis - Pâte sablée, compotée de cassis, morceaux de marrons, meringue légère, crème de marron et chantilly. I bought the individual size...
Two of the treasures I brought home for research.
Cheese-cake au pamplemousse -Fond de pâte sucrée garni de crème pamplemousse, biscuit cuillère imbibé de jus de pamplemousse, marmelade de pamplemousse,disque de cheese cake fondant et crémeux. Glaçage blanc et écorces de pamplemousses confites. Sweet pastry filled with creamgrapefruit spoon biscuit soaked in grapefruit juice, grapefruitmarmalade, cheese cake fondant disc and creamy. White icing andcandied grapefruit peel.
The thin base of cassis compote is just the right addition of acid to contrast the creaminess of the chestnut cream and the crunch of meringuetogether makes for a surprising and delicious mouth feel.
When I bought the pain aux graines au levain, I asked to have it sliced. I was told it was too warm for the slicing machine. Right out of the oven in the laboratoire next door. Miam.
Are you convinced this is a must-do in Paris?
Tout les jours sauf le mardi de 8h00 à 20h00.
63, blvd Pasteur, Paris 15
Metro Pasteur
Fermé le mardi